For the preparation of moonshine, you can use both dry and raw yeast. Just don’t forget, that fresh yeast needs to be proofed first before adding it to the remaining ingredients. The proportions are close in value to 1: 5. Active dry yeast is more convenient than fresh yeast, but it still requires some additional work and comes with its own set of drawbacks. The dormant cells must be reactivated before use, which can be done by stirring the granules in lukewarm (40–43 °C / 104–109 °F) water. 500 g of fresh can confidently replace 80-100 g of dry. Correctly calculate the ratio of dry to fresh yeast by multiplying the number of dry yeasts by 3. Fresh yeast and active dry yeast: When substituting fresh yeast for dry yeast in a recipe, use double the amount than given in the recipe, and the other way around. of commercial yeasts, and it’s not considered a dry yeast. Fresh yeast is the O.G.