Alcohol should not be taken after delivery if breastfeeding, because it transferred to your baby through breast milk. As you’ll be breastfeeding your baby, adding healthy foods to your plate makes sense. Undergoing a cesarean section temporarily upsets the passage of food through the digestive tract, resulting in gas production and constipation. In some cases, labor induction, which when labor is brought on with drugs or instruments, is medically necessary. Integrate these foods in your meals and do not forget fruits and vegetables should form part of your diet plan. After the delivery, one should eat warm foods and avoid the ones that are considered cool. C-section delivery can be very challenging, and difficult for every woman. Junk Food. Having them as your postpartum diet can lead to fat accumulation in your body. What should a mother eat after c-section delivery and one of the important questions arise, for that, we create a diet chart includes a list of Indian food items to eat after c section delivery. They are very difficult to digest in the first 40 days and can lead to gas and stomach ache and burns . Avoid ghee and rice for the first 3-4 days after … It is very critical phase for a woman to recuperate from surgery and keep her and her baby healthy. Eating foods high in iron, such as meat, fish and poultry, along with iron found in vegetables, assists your body in forming new red blood cells. Eating high-fiber foods can benefit women after giving birth because they can help to motivate routine defecation. We create a diet chart for a week which includes the timing of food meals. So, avoid spicy foods for about six months post delivery. Instead, consume more fibre-rich foods and nutritious warm soups that are easy to digest. Knowing what to eat after cesarean delivery is critical. Cottage cheese, broth, and yogurt are also good. After a C-section, a lot of rest is advised. Spicy foods quickly pass on to your baby and affect her intestines and blood flow. High-Fiber Foods. You should stay away from carbonated drinks and fried foods which produce gas. Hence some mothers will have to avoid this food after delivery. Foods to avoid after Caesarean Delivery Like we have good foods to include in our diet, as per the experts there are certain foods that we should stay away or limit after the C-section delivery, especially those food items that are notorious for producing gas. Eat fiber rich foods to stay away from constipation. The baby’s digestive tract and spicy food can make her irritated and fussy. Along with that, it is also important for proper digestion to keep the abdomen safe from strain. Drinking plenty of water also helps to keep you hydrated and gets rid of waste from the body. Compared to a woman who has had a normal delivery, a mother who has undergone a C-section has a tougher time getting back to her healthy state. This is the last option for the child and the child’s life. Cesarean Mothers After Delivery avoid any sort of fried food. She should also avoid overly spicy foods. Junk food. Wait till your doctor gives you a go-ahead. You should avoid all fatty and junk foods as your physical activity is low compare to when have vaginal delivery because these foods will simply raise your weight. Warm soups can be easily digested, and are nutritious as well. Avoid carbonated drinks and fried foods, which produce gas. this is the best 5 C-Section Recovery Tips That Nobody Ever Tells You!. If you have a medical issue that could complicate labor or delivery, such as maternal high blood pressure or the baby is in a breach position (buttocks or feet first), your doctor will opt for a C-section. 5. Which foods should you avoid after delivery? Foods To Avoid After Cesarean Delivery Posted by admin As we recommend some good nutritious foods for women who have undergone cesarean delivery, we also suggest them to avoid some foods post cesarean delivery.