Challenges for theories of causal learning. The group of people exhibited similar behavioural pattern to a flock, where if five percent of the flock changed direction the others would follow. Spatial attraction between humans as the central component of flocking behaviour has been simulated in a number of … Epub 2011 May 23. Decision makers conceive of their choices as interventions. Intervention myopia in moral intuitions. Flocking behaviour, as a type of self-organised collective behaviour, is described as the spatial formation of groups without global control and explicit inter-individual recruitment signals. Structured correlation from the causal background (PSYNDEXshort), Sufficiency and necessity assumptions in causal structure induction (PSYNDEXalert). Judgment and decision making as a skill: Learning, development and evolution. A flock usually includes one dominant adult male, a few subdominant males, and two or more females that are carefully watched over by … The special status of actions in causal reasoning in rats. Recently, a number of articles proposed mathematical models for flocking behavior, to name a few [4, 5, 7, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18]. ``Virus and Epidemic'': Causal Knowledge Activates Prediction Error Circuitry. On having very long arms: How the availability of technological means affects moral cognition. : (PSYNDEXshort). Flocking behaviour, as a type of self-organised collective behaviour, is described as the spatial formation of groups without global control and explicit inter-individual recruitment signals. Das Denken Hochbegabter - Intellektuelle Fähigkeiten und kognitive Prozesse, Das Dreieck von Begabung, Wissen und Lernen. : (PSYNDEXshort), Multimediale Förderung virtueller Lern- und Arbeitsgruppen in der Sozialpsychologie: das System VIP.C (PSYNDEXshort), Neue Anforderungen im öffentlichen Dienst: Fach- und Führungskräfte für die Wirtschaftsförderung (PSYNDEXshort), Online-Moderation und Teletutoring : Medienkompetenz für Lehrende, Optimal sharedness of mental models for effective group performance (PSYNDEXshort), Positive impact of crisis resource management training on no-flow time and team member verbalisations during simulated cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A randomised controlled trial (PSYNDEXshort), Rezeptions- und produktionsorientiertes Lernen in mediengestützten kollaborativen Szenarien (PSYNDEXshort), Social identity in times of international conflict (PSYNDEXshort), Social Identity in Times of International Conflict, Social Validation of Shared and Nonvalidation of Unshared Information in Group Discussions, Sozial- und organisationspsychologische Aspekte computervermittelter Kommunikation (PSYNDEXshort), Sozialer Einfluss in Chat-Gruppen: Geschlechtsspezifische Auswirkungen auf konversationale Partizipation und Kohärenz, SYNSEG—Eine Methode zur syntaxgeleiteten Segmentierung von Kodiereinheiten für die Analyse von Gruppenprozessen. = Integration tandems and supervised networking with refugees in student groups through service learning, Ist ein neues Konzept ``Solidarität'' in der Psychologie überhaupt nötig? The role of prescriptive norms and knowledge in childrenʼs and adultsʼ causal selection. The role of learning data in causal reasoning about observations and interventions. Throwing a Bomb on a Person Versus Throwing a Person on a Bomb: Intervention Myopia in Moral Intuitions. Konfliktvermeidung im OP (PSYNDEXshort), Was bewirkt kombinierte Gewaltprävention an Schulen? Information transfer in moving animal groups. How prescriptive norms influence causal inferences. = SYNSEG—A method for syntax-based segmentation of coding units for the analysis of group processes, Unsubscribe, Pleeezz!!! Estimating causal strength: the role of structural knowledge and processing effort. AWMF-Leitlinie zu Hyperkinetischen Störungen in der Praxis: Wissen, Vertrautheit, Nutzung und Einstellung bei Therapeuten und Ärzten im Kinder- und Jugendbereich. The participants were deprived of social cues about each other and could neither communicate verbally nor nonverbally. In Cologne, Germany, two biologists from the University of Leeds demonstrated flock like behaviour in humans. In Cologne, Germany, two biologists from the University of Leeds demonstrated a flock-like behavior in humans. It can be observed in many animals, such as bird flocks, shoals or herds of ungulates. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Agency intuitions in physical interactions (PSYNDEXshort). Stand der Diskussion und ein Konzept der Organisationsberatung, ``Ich weiss gar nicht, ob es hier eine Richtung gibt''. Trends Cogn Sci. If you’re walking through a park and notice a flock of birds picking through the grass looking for worms, you know what’ll happen if you get too close. The role of the primary effect in the assessment of intentionality and morality (PSYNDEXshort), The side-effect effect in children is robust and not specific to the moral status of action effects, The special status of actions in causal reasoning in rats (PSYNDEXshort). De rol van verklaringen in de keuze van effectieve interventies. If one person … Deconfounding distance effects in judgments of moral obligation. An evidence-based referral management system: Insights from a pilot study. Spatial attraction between humans as the central component of flocking behaviour has been simulated in a number of seminal models but it … Flocking behaviour, as a type of self-organised collective behaviour, is described as the spatial formation of groups without global control and explicit inter-individual recruitment signals. Wonderfully realistic computer simulations have been developed which model the collective motion of these various species of individually self-governing members. 2016. Estimating causal strength: The role of structural knowledge and processing effort. 2007 Dec;105(3 Pt 1):977-87. doi: 10.2466/pms.105.3.977-987. Moving together: Incidental leaders and naïve followers. Mirroring and beyond: coupled dynamics as a generalized framework for modelling social interactions. | Force dynamics as a basis for moral intuitions (PSYNDEXshort), Handlungspsychologie: Vom Experimentieren mit Perspektiven zu Perspektiven fürs Experimentieren. Kategorisierung und Wissenserwerb (PSYNDEXshort), Kognitionspsychologische Theorien von Begabung und Expertise, Neuraths ship: The constitutive relation between normative and descriptive theories of rationality (PSYNDEXshort). Die kognitive Konstruktion von Kausalität, Die Rolle von Ereignisschemata beim Lernen im Vorschulalter. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. Eine Analyse von Polizeinotrufen, Integrationstandems und Supervised Networking mit geflüchteten Menschen in studentischen Gruppen durch Service Learning. An fMRI study of causal judgments (PSYNDEXshort), Beyond covariation: Cues to causal structure (PSYNDEXshort). : Comment on Shanks (1991). Diagnostic causal reasoning with verbal information. Weak schemata and the development of memory in preschool children : Poster presented at the Second European Conference for Research, Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Tübingen, September 19-22, 1987, When learning order affects sensitivity to base rates. We conclude that human groups show the basic component of flocking behaviour without being explicitly instructed or rewarded to do so. Ecological rationality or nested sets? (2013). Causal client models in selecting effective interventions: A cognitive mapping study. Cue competition in human categorization: Contingency or the Rescorla-Wagner Learning Rule? Flock-like behavior in humans may occur when people are drawn to a common focal point or when repelled, as below: a crowd fleeing from the sound of gunfire. Introduction Flocking is a prevalent behavior of most population in natural world such as bacteria, birds, fishes. It can be observed in many animals, such as bird flocks, shoals or herds of ungulates. = The AWMF-Guidelines for Hyperkinetic Disorders in Therapeutic Practice—Knowledge, familiarity, utilization, and attitude of psychotherapists and physicians. Comment on Shanks (1991). Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Cooperation detection and deontic reasoning in the Wason selection task, Cue competition in human categorization: Contingency or the Rescorla-Wagner learning rule? We conclude that human groups show the basic component of flocking behaviour without being explicitly instructed or rewarded to do so. The tight coupling between category and causal learning. : Management and Training of Media Competence in Computer-Mediated Communication, Ursachen des Absentismus: Alltagsvorstellungen von Arbeitern und Meistern und psychologische Erklärungsmodelle, User-Composer-Fit - Personbezogene Passungsfaktoren in Mediennutzungssituationen, Virtuelle Seminare: Potenziale und Erfolgsbedingungen, Vom Archaischen in der computervermittelten Kommunikation, Vom Umgang mit Komplexität in Organisationen : Konzepte, Fallbeispiele, Strategien, Von Einzelaspekten zu ``kognitiven Landkarten'' - Problemstrukturierung und Argumentation in Gruppen, Vorbeugen ist besser als heilen.