Applying different data analysis tools, combined with the ability to adapt those insights into the overall business intelligence strategy will create a sustainable development and increased efficiency. October 3, 2018 Posted by Jillian Kramer. The option to process large volumes of datasets with simple solutions such as utilizing an online dashboard enabled a more cohesive, streamlined and adaptive environment in our digital environment. That means that the number of countries using online services in all sectors (emails, mobile Apps or downloadable forms) is increasing steadily every year. Accordion management: the ability to grow or shrink a workforce quickly by hiring or releasing full … To adapt Bill Cabiró’s definition of business intelligence, BI is getting the right information to the right people at the right time, so they can make the right decisions.. That idea’s at the heart of all the ways “business intelligence” is used. Integrating artificial intelligence and intelligent automation tools to solve business challenges while increasing productivity will become a pivotal point into the next phase of digital transformation. Self-service and data visualization tools are among top analytics means to collect, interpret and analyze big and small data for businesses that need sustainable development. Mobile Analytics. Based on technologies such as neural networks, already mentioned pattern recognition, and threshold alerts, the software notifies the user as soon as a goal is reached or business anomaly occurred. This year DevOps gained more attention as more industries and companies are incorporating the digital way of working. By Sandra Durcevic in Business Intelligence, Dec 4th 2019. Business intelligence has undergone many changes in the last decade. These tools come in different forms – up to 17 countries in 2018 provide archived information online, compared to 154 in 2016. These systems can already speak, write, read and learn; hence, this is one of the big data buzzwords that will continue to disrupt industries in 2020 as well. Chatbots are not just here to, well, chat, but also to provide true analytical value both for companies and the BI community. Applied to business, it is used to analyze current and historical data in order to better understand customers, products, and partners and to identify potential risks and opportunities for a company. But the level of decentralization also depends on the requirements and user roles – while it can help fulfill various tasks, it certainly needs to be considered which ones and for whom. Last but not least, there is the human factor again. The importance of speed in businesses is not the latest news, but the tools and means to gain proper data, be it while compiling a management report, determining which KPI examples to research, study and choose, or which AI automation process to leverage in a specific industry, will certainly affect businesses of all sizes in 2019. It enables an organization to innovate, eliminate waste and respond rapidly to market needs. Herzlich Willkommen zum großen Produktvergleich. In recent years, the level of self-service has increased and more experts predict that next year the significance will only rise This is one of the data buzzwords for 2020 that we will be hearing more about since companies are looking for ways to clean their data in the most efficient way possible. To drive innovation, development, and success, businesses will have to 'shape, shift, and share.' Here is a list of 65 business analysis techniques that are useful to know about. Augmented analytics was indeed previously referred to as “Smart Data Discovery”. To summarize, we bring you the list we have discussed in detail: Check out what BI trends will be on everyone’s lips and keyboards in 2021. Earned Media. Other important trends to watch out for in educational systems have been summarized by the Digitalist Magazine: On the other hand, governments are investing more resources in incorporating digital services to their citizens. Predictive analytics is the practice of extracting information from existing data sets in order to forecast future probabilities. We can say that data fabric is the future of data quality management, and 2020 will bring even more attention towards appropriate solutions that can be utilized in companies across the board. Each year, we hear about buzzwords that enter the community, language, market and drive businesses and companies forward. The increasing factor of mobile usage, the rapid expansion of laptops, smartphones and tablets implementation in businesses is considered to affect the global business mobility management industry (EMM) by almost 488% by the year 2020.