Boreal Owl A Reference for North and Central American Owls. In Colorado they were found to occur between 9,100 and 10,400 ft. elevation although the highest densities were above 9,800 ft. in mature spruce-fir forests where there were numerous subalpine meadows and high populations of red-backed voles. Except when calling at night in very early spring, it is easily overlooked. Legend: = Core Habitat = Marginal Habitat. The word “boreal” means northern, and way up North is where the Boreal Owl feels most at home. Spotted owl. The boreal owl (Aegolius funereus) is a small owl.In Europe, it is typically known as Tengmalm's owl after Swedish naturalist Peter Gustaf Tengmalm or, more rarely, Richardson's owl after Sir John Richardson. Other owls. Boreal Owls … Boreal Owls are circumpolar, which simply means they are found near one of Earth's poles. Stefan Berndtsson. Boreal Owls make their home in the northern reaches of North America, including Alaska and Canada and the northern regions of Eurasia. Western screech owl. In this case, that pole is the North Pole. Elf owl. Until the 1970s it was not known to breed anywhere south of Canada; recent explorations have shown that it is a resident in many mountain ranges in the western United States, nesting in forest at the highest elevations. Northern saw-whet owl. Burrowing owl. whet owl (Aegolius acadicus), and boreal owl (Aegolius funereus). Great gray owl. Boreal owl (song) male, song. A possible, but unconfirmed, boreal owl was heard in the upper … Boreal Owl distribution map. Here you will find photos, range map and a brief field notes section to help identify and enjoy this beautiful owl. The scientific name is from Latin.The genus name Aegolius is a type of screech owl thought to be a bird of ill omen, and funereus means "funereal". Barred owl. Boreal owls were heard (but not seen) at two locations on the Boise NF: Thunder Mountain Road near Trapper Flat and Deadwood Summit. The Boreal Owl inhabits the northern coniferous and mixed deciduous boreal and subalpine forests of North America. Eastern screech owl. Northern hawk-owl. Flammulated owl. Boreal Owls are circumpolar, found in boreal and subalpine forests around the world, with scattered populations spreading south into mountain ranges like the Rockies. Short-eared owl. Long-eared owl. A rather mysterious owl of dense northern woodlands. The Boreal Owl is a much sought after nocturnal owl that lives in the northern boreal forests around the world. Northern pygmy owl. Barn owl. Snowy owl. Great horned owl.