The black-bellied whistling duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis), formerly called the black-bellied tree duck, is a whistling duck that breeds from the southernmost United States and tropical Central to south-central South America. In the U.S., the black-bellied is found only in south Texas and Louisiana. In the US, it can be found year-round in peninsular Florida, parts of southeast Texas, coastal Alabama and seasonally in southeast Arizona, and Louisiana's Gulf Coast. That is the case for the large and brightly colored Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks that seem to have appeared out of nowhere in the past few years in South Mississippi. How can you miss a large bird with a bright pink bill or with a bunch of cute and fluffy chicks waddling across a local park? Whistling Duck Waterfowl Identification. Wild Ducks for Sale. WHEREAS, Black-Bellies are somewhat similar to native Wood Ducks and share the same habitat … Most are offered as sexed juvenile pairs, however please read the description carefully to be sure that is offered with your choice of breed. The trailing legs and rounded wings of these slow flying ducks makes them look bigger than they are. Both sexes are similar. WHEREAS, the Black-Bellied Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis), also called the Black-Bellied Tree Duck, once rare in Louisiana, has become a common sight, expanding it’s home range with ever increasing numbers of local birds throughout many southern and central parishes of our state, and. Many of our adult ducks have not been pinioned, therefore they will need a safe and secure enclosure. The fulvous also occurs there and in Florida with occasional stragglers further north along both coasts and the Mississippi Valley. Black-bellied whistling ducks love a crowd and are exceptionally gregarious, often forming large talkative flocks and even mingling with white and glossy ibis to roost and search for food. Before 2005, you would have not seen them, because they had yet to arrive here. When guarded nest boxes are used, those painted white reflect the heat and are 5-8 o C (10-15 o F) cooler than dark nest boxes ,during extremely hot days. The Diet of Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks. Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks lay large clutches of as many as 22 (usually 12-16; Harrison 1979) eggs, but egg loss is high. Both species are primarily Mexican. From wild and exotic varieties, these adult birds will liven up any aviary! Temperatures above 40 o C (103 o F) kill developing embryos. The Black-bellied Whistling Duck has a chestnut brown crown, nape, lower neck, breast, and back, with a pale brown-grey face and upper neck, a white eye-ring, long red beak with blue tip, underparts and tail are black, wings are white with black primary feathers and brown wing coverts, and its long legs are pink.