All cats lift their tails high in the air when being friendly or happy, and will sway their tails slowly back and forth when processing fear, anxiety or anger. Cats remain very close to their wild ancestors in a number of ways, with many changes being superficial, such as colouring; or down to breeding. Here are some notable qualities of cat: 1.Cats are known for their friendly behavior, owing to which they are easy to socialize and like to share their accessories with other pets in home. Acquired traits come from _____. Required fields are marked *, © Copyright 2018 . Even the medium cats -- bobcats, ocelots and lynxes, for example -- purr. Even cats in the wild do so to hide their presence in case any bigger predators get any ideas. Your email address will not be published. What are acquired traits? National Wildlife Federation: Do Lions Purr? Smart and Intelligent via 9. Curious via 3. Your email address will not be published. 3. Inherited -Physical Trait. AcquiredTraits - Notes • Acquired traits are not passed down from parents to their offspring. • A scar is a physical trait that is acquired. Just ask anyone who has ever been "owned" by more than one cat! The researchers developed their index with the help of a large survey of 2,291 cat owners in Australia and New Zealand. Prev Question Next Question. Cats are the only animals that are both prey and predator. There’s more about getting the cat you dream of at The Way of Cats than the article you are reading now. All cats have the ability to hide their pain and suffering very well. Cats with polycystic kidney disease have numerous fluid-filled cavities (cysts) in their kidneys. Here are some notable qualities of cat: 1.Cats are known for their friendly behavior, owing to which they are easy to socialize and like to share their accessories with other pets in home. Cuddly via 5. Cats always entice pet lovers through their cute face and beautiful appearance. Most mammals can make their own taurine from other amino acids, but cats cannot. All cats have the ability to shed their coats in summer and grow it thicker in winter. Cat personalities vary greatly, but personality traits shared by all cats are their independent natures, cleanliness habits and the ability to be aloof and very, very quiet when necessary. The rough tongue acts like a steel wool pad to scrape all the meat off the bones of the hapless critter, be it a mouse or a moose, the cat is having for lunch. Neuroticism (Skittishness) Cats with high scores in the "Neurotic" type are anxious or highly strung … Cats all need an amino acid called taurine to survive. Cats have 32 muscles that control the outer ear (compared to human's 6 muscles each). Breeds and Body Size The pets can be holy terrors or angelic little pussycats. 5.Cats do a lot of fun; their unusual and funny actions are more entertaining than watching a comedy movie. Sleepy via 12. 6.Cats sleep a lot, normally from 15 to 20 hours, and you can also note their extreme laziness. An acquired trait is a characteristic of an organism that developed after the organism began life. 3.Their cute eyes, curious expressions, and pleasant purring sounds fascinate many pet lovers. Draw a picture to help you remember inherited traits and acquired traits. Friendly via 10. Agile via 14. Breathing - Inherited or Acquired Trait? The two versions of a trait (character), which are brought in by the male and female gametes are situated on_____ View Answer The Cat Fanciers' Association lists 42 distinct breeds of cat, and there are almost as many coat types, colors and patterns. Michelle A. Rivera is the author of many books and articles. Every cat, from the mighty lion to the mini-munchkin, has the ability to catch and kill prey. The only difference is the size of the prey. Some cats can even learn how to use the toilet, walk on a leash, and do simple tricks. All Righs Reserved. Funny via 8. Like dogs, cats look very different from people but share many of our body’s characteristics, such as a circulatory system, lungs, a digestive tract, a nervous system, and so on. All cats, including lions and tigers, have sandpaper tongues. Their kitties are just communicating the way all cats do. Also, cats are very flexible; even the most talented Olympic gymnast cannot curl, stretch, twist, roll and jump like every healthy, normal cat can. Stretchy via 15. Answer By Toppr. 2.They have a habit of living in a clean environment, so if you are considering a cat as your pet then start paying attention to the cleanliness. Therefore, all cats share the trait of never being able to join the vegetarian society. All cats, with the exception of the cheetah, come fully equipped with retractable claws. They can move their ears like radar dishes, pinpoint the source, rotate them independently 180 degrees, and turn in the direction of sound 10 times faster than those of the best watchdog. Love certain breeds? answer choices . Not only this, cats also have some other less-known qualities. 4.Cats are also not behind when it comes to cleverness, smartness and intelligence, due to which felines are easy to communicate and train. All cats have their own personalities. Inherited traits come from genes and acquired traits are … Inherited Traits Acquired Traits Inherited Traits Acquired Traits . Without taurine, cats can suffer heart failure or blindness. She is the executive director of her own nonprofit, Animals 101, Inc. Rivera is an animal-assisted therapist, humane educator, former shelter manager, rescue volunteer coordinator, dog trainer and veterinary technician. Answer. And Why Are There No Green Mammals? Cats can distinguish the odour of nitrogenous substances (e.g., fish) especially keenly.