13 Mar 2019. Vision. Acorn Multi Academy Trust, The Old Tool Office, Chard Street, Devon, EX13 5EB, 01297 800250 Marshwood CE Primary Academy, Marshwood, DORSET, DT6 5QA, 0129 767 8224. For 2018-2019 our series of masterclasses will take place on the below dates: ... for young people, enabling every child to reach his or her potential, regardless of background. Congratulations to our Year 5/6 football team who finished a credible fourth in the latest ACORN MAT sports competition, which was hosted by St. Andrew's Chardstock. Acorn Multi Academy Trust, The Old Tool Office, Chard Street, Devon, EX13 5EB, 01297 800250. 18 Apr 2018. The curriculum is divided into seven areas of learning and development and we work closely with the ACORN MAT EYFS Lead Nicki Bland to enhance and develop our EYFS provision. Butterflies in the library. The ACORN MAT is proud to host a series of Ri Mathematics Masterclasses, as part of our enrichment programme. Years 5 and 6 at Marshwood . For 2019-2020 our series of masterclasses will take place on the below dates: These hands-on and interactive extracurricular sessions have been developed by top experts from academia and industry for our keen and talented pupils. ACORN MAT Year 5/6 Football Tournament. ... Whistleblowing Policy Acorn MAT. The ACORN MAT is proud to host a series of Ri Mathematics Masterclasses, as part of our enrichment programme. Cookie Policy. These hands-on and interactive extracurricular sessions have been developed by top experts from academia and industry for our keen and talented pupils.