Ask all clients about trauma history using validated scales like the ACEs questionnaire Retrospective recall isn’t ideal, but is still useful Be aware of link with co-morbidities (particularly suicidality) and be prepared to screen for risks But it’s important to remember all the things this quiz doesn’t take into account. By getting support, young people and adults can both reduce the impact of ACEs on their own life and break the cycle to prevent ACEs occurring in the next generation. Retrieved from . The quiz is a helpful tool for raising awareness about the potential impact of ACEs. Preventing ACEs should be seen within the wider context of tackling societal inequalities. There is no copyright for the questions, answers and scoring of the ACE study. These qualities sound mushy to our 21 st century ears. [1] The remaining information can be copied or modified for any purpose, including commercially, provided a link back is included. ACE-IQ is designed for administration to people aged 18 years and older. ACEs overview. They sound too emotional, too airy-fairy, too soft to be the values that could seriously guide public policy-making and cultural regeneration. ACE-Awareness is a tool that helps us to value more strongly relationships and community and care and love. This is why preventing ACEs and supporting children and adults affected is a priority for us. Although the effects of ACEs can last a lifetime, they don’t have to. Offering support. The Becoming ACEs Aware in California Training is a free, two-hour training to learn about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), toxic stress, screening, risk assessment, and evidence-based care to effectively intervene on toxic stress. support local schools to be ACE-Aware and ACE-informed; support social movements around ACEs. Parent Screening Questionnaire Return on Investment Safe Environment for Every Kid Trauma Recovery Model United Kingdom United States of America World Health Organization Washington State Institute for Public Policy . While ACEs are found across the population, there is more risk of experiencing ACEs in areas of higher deprivation. Read more about the ACEs Questionnaire ACEs and health inequalities. Growing up with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) such as abuse, neglect, community violence, homelessness or growing up in a household where adults are experiencing mental health issues or harmful alcohol or drug use, can have a long-lasting effect on people's lives.. First, there are many experiences that could be traumatic for children that the quiz doesn’t ask about—community violence, racism, other forms of discrimination, natural disasters, housing insecurity. The ACE International Questionnaire (ACE-IQ) is intended to measure ACEs in all countries, and the association between them and risk behaviours in later life. Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire