BASIC Programming > Beginning BASIC > Your First Program. The function of accounting orders must only account orders, functions of opening and closing orders must only open and close orders, and the analytical function must "think" and manage all other functions, i.e. how to bring multiple names in according to alphabetic order ? If there are no contraindicatons of a general character, control is passed to order accounting block. There can be rare cases when this variant is partially justified. I am in search of a BASIC program which prints results of permutations and combinations of say "a","b","c","d","e".Taken all 5 together.Here Permutations are 120 and combinations are 3125 with repetitions. Fig. In this tutorial, Will see some basic string operation like how to print string and char in visual basic. Therefore I will not post any more solution here.Thanks. In this example the following is provided. Also, each statement should be ended with semicolon (;) which is a statement terminator. and how to take out the percentage of so many students to calculate their marks? I am in search of a BASIC program which prints results of permutations and combinations of say "a","b","c","d","e".Taken all 5 together.Here Permutations are 120 and combinations are 3125 with repetitions.Without using "SWAP" command. If there are no orders in the terminal or the number and quality of existing orders corresponds to what was expected, control is passed to the block of defining trading criteria. // The code should be used for educational purpose only. So, we need to find among various technical indicators those that detect a trend beginning. In such a case start() execution is stopped after showing a corresponding message. Thank you very much for seeing 밤알바 information.Thank you very much for seeing 밤알바 information. Let's pay attention to places where MAs with different averaging periods cross and try to decide, whether the fact of MA crossing can be used as a reading criterion. In any trading strategy order sizes should be reasonably limited. At the beginning of the block of defining the amount of lots for new orders (block 7-8) necessary values of some variables are calculated - minimal allowed amount of lots and step of lot change set up by a broker, free margin and price of one lot for the security. The second group strategies are trend strategies, when orders are opened in the same direction as the salt price movement. More popular method of defining an order size is setting the number of lots depending on the amount of free margin, for example 30-40% of it. In it, you saw examples of PRINT, CLS, and END commands. Moving averages with larger period of averaging (blue line) are more inert, have larger lag and are situated farther from market prices. This block is based on the infinite loop 'while', the body of which consists of two analogous parts: one for closing a Buy order, another for closing a Sell order. I think people are asking for solution for their home work etc. Before EA operation start, a user can set any size of future orders and leave it unchanged for some time. Do you want to write a program get a number N from a user then print numbers from 1 to that number N? In a simple case a fixed order size is used in an Expert Advisor. If there is no such criterion, no need to use pending orders. A program is considered to be correctly written, if it can be easily read by other programmers, that's why all main program parts and main moments characterizing the strategy must be commented. Trying once again.. Trading subsystem is busy. Amount of lots can be calculated in accordance with a user's settings following one of the two variants. The main idea of such strategies is that after an evident deviation price must return to the previous position, that's why orders are opened in the direction contrary to the last price movement. It is convenient to use this algorithm in a program for testing strategies. Depending on the error code Fun_Error() returns 1 if the error is not critical and the operation can be repeated, and 0 if the error is critical. If it is smaller than the allowed value, the value allowed by a broker is used. Please help me. If Buy order is opened when a certain value of difference between MAs is reached, for example in A, most probably the order will be profitable when a price reaches a preset Stop order value. 2. 114. And the loss will be proportionate to the total value of one-directional market orders. That is why this sign - crossing of MAs with different averaging period - can be used for building trading strategies only in combination with other signs proving a trend. If the situation corresponds, control must be passed to the next block to continue the EA's operation; if not, the EA's operation must be terminated and this fact must be reported to a user. In general case several one-direction orders are also possible. the one that will open orders in the price movement direction. //--------------------------------------------------------------- 4 --, //--------------------------------------------------------------- 5 --, //--------------------------------------------------------------- 6 --, //--------------------------------------------------------------- 7 --, //--------------------------------------------------------------- 8 --. "60 END, 10 CLS20 INPUT "ENTER NUMBER: ",X30 IF X MOD 7 = 0 THEN GOTO 40 ELSE GOTO 5040 PRINT X " is divisible by 7." Conditions for closing a Sell order (in accordance with correctly formed criteria) occur earlier, than conditions for opening a Buy order. A more complete program must contain a main analytical function, all other user-defined functions must be subordinate to it. Fig. In the line: all orders opened for another security are eliminated. If the value set by a user corresponds to a broker's requirements, this value is returned. 113. These Are Easy Baby ProgramsTry These Ones Mostly Made By, write a programe to compute s value where s=1-1/3+1/5-1/7+.....1/x, 10 cls20 s = 130 input "enter x:",x40 state = -150 for I = 3 to x step 260 if state = -1 then 70 else goto 9070 s = s - (1/I)80 state = 1: goto 11090 s = s + (1/I)100 state = -1110 next I120 print s130 end, This is based on Daniyal yousaf's solution he posted on October 5, 2018 at 4:26 AM. But if the operation fails, the user-defined function for processing errors Fun_Error() is called (block 10-11). If a strategy admits only one market order and there are actually several orders, this fact should also be known.